Title Final Appearance Record Number View/Download
Relating to Gambling 06/21/2011 O-00004311
Amending Kirkland Municipal Code Chapter 5.88 Regarding the Multifamily Housing Property Tax Exemption 06/21/2011 O-00004312
Adopting the Department of Ecology Approved Amendments to the Kirkland Shoreline Master Program, Including the Amended Shoreline Environment Designations Map, Comprehensive Plan, Shoreline Regulations, and Restoration Plan, File ZON06-00017 06/07/2011 O-00004302
Adopting Miscellaneous Amendments to Ordinance No. 3719, the Kirkland Zoning Ordinance, and Making the Zoning Ordinance Compatible with the Shoreline Master Program as Amended, File ZON06-00017 06/07/2011 O-00004303
Relating to Zoning, and Land Use and Amending Ordinance No. 3719, as Amended, the Kirkland Zoning Ordinance, to Amend the Allowed Ground Floor Use Provisions in Specified Subareas of Central Business District Zones 1B, 2, 3, and 8; and Approving a Summ 06/07/2011 O-00004306
Relating to Zoning, Planning, and Land Use, Revising the City’s Regulations Regarding Transit-Oriented Development at the South Kirkland Park and Ride, Amending Ordinance 3719 as Amended, the Kirkland Zoning Ordinance and Amending Ordinan 06/07/2011 O-00004307
Relating to Design Review Guidelines for the Yarrow Bay Business District 1 Zone and Amending Section 3.30.040 of the Kirkland Municipal Code, (File No. ZON120-00014 06/07/2011 O-00004308
Relating to the Provision of Street Lighting in the JFK Annexation Area of the City of Kirkland 06/07/2011 O-00004309
Granting Olympic Pipe Line Company, an Interstate Pipeline Corporation Incorporated in the State of Delaware, its Successors and Assigns, a Nonexclusive Franchise to Construct, Operate, Maintain, Remove, Replace, and Repair Existing Pipeline Facilities 05/17/2011 O-00004298
Relating to Granting Woodinville Water District, a Washington Municipal Corporation, the Right, Privilege, Authority and Franchise to Construct and Maintain, Repair, Replace, Operate Upon, Over, Under, Along and Across the Franchise Area of the City of K 05/17/2011 O-00004299
Amending Kirkland Municipal Code Chapter 11.80 Relating to Park Rules 05/17/2011 O-00004304
Relating to Transportation Concurrency and Establishing a Concurrency Test for the “JFK” Annexation Area as Described in City of Kirkland Ordinance No. 4229 05/17/2011 O-00004305
Ordinance No. 4300, Relating to Land Use and Zoning, Providing Interim Official Controls Regarding Land Use Permit Extensions, File No. MIS09-00022, Modifying and Extending Ordinance 4219 Through November 3, 2011 05/03/2011 O-00004300
Amending the Biennial Budget for 2011-2012 05/03/2011 O-00004301
Annexing Certain Territory Pursuant to RCW 35A.14.480 on the Terms Provided in the Interlocal Agreement Between the City of Kirkland, King County Fire Protection District #41 and King County Regarding the Annex-ation of the Wild Glen Area; and Fixing the 04/05/2011 O-00004296
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